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Jumat, 30 April 2021
BMW bidik pasar Jatim tingkatkan penjualan nasional
April 30, 2021
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BMW Group melalui Mini Indonesia membidik pasar Jawa Timur untuk meningkatkan penjualan kendaraan kompak (compact premium) secara nasional, dengan mengembangkan Plaza Mini atau diler resmi Mini Indonesia di Surabaya.
Director ...
Wakaf uang dinilai sebagai terobosan untuk pengembangan dana abadi
April 30, 2021
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Ketua Badan Pengurus Filantropi Indonesia Rizal Algamar menilai wakaf uang bisa menjadi terobosan dalam mengatasi persoalan penggalangan dana abadi yang saat ini kerap diidentikan sebagai sumbangan dan aset seperti tanah dan ...
Test of emergency alert system at Torrance Beach hits technical speed bumps
April 30, 2021
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The first test of a Los Angeles County beach emergency system, meant to warn folks about various dangers, experienced technical glitches on Thursday afternoon, April 29 — with the flashing lights not coming on initially and the audio messages bei...
Kamis, 29 April 2021
New for April 29: South Bay restaurants have tables for Mother's Day and more
April 29, 2021
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Restaurants throughout the South Bay accommodate diners while also meeting LA County Health Department mandates for controlling the spread of the coronavirus. Along with cooking and serving take-out, restaurants can serve customers outdoors and and also indoors at 25% capaci...
LETTERS: Bruce's Beach, recovery plan and defending gun ownership : Week of April 29
April 29, 2021
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Editor's note: Ahead of the May 11 special election in Hermosa Beach, we will accept letters from residents announcing their candidacy. The deadline for submitting a candidate letter or a letter in support of a candidate is May 3 f...
Examining Emhoff's historic second gentleman role
April 29, 2021
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Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, is the first man to take on the more traditional role of supporter and confidant of the vice president. (April 29)
Rudolph and Jacobson discuss 'finding their people'
April 29, 2021
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Netflix's new animated "The Mitchells vs. the Machines" follows a quirky family of misfits tasked with saving humanity after robots become self-aware. The show's stars also felt out of place in the world until they "found their people." (April 29)
Rabu, 28 April 2021
Khofifah: Rumah sakit milik Pemprov Jatim haris terus berinovasi
April 28, 2021
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Gubernur Jawa Timur Khofifah Indar Parawansa meminta seluruh rumah sakit milik Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur untuk bisa terus berinovasi, dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat.
"Jadi masing-masing RS ...
Molly Sims lifts veil from image of perfection in new podcast
April 28, 2021
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Molly Sims may look like the picture of perfection but she deals with insecurities life everyone else. She talks about that, beauty tips, work-life balance and more on her new podcast, "Lipstick on the Rim." (April 28)
Delaware police officer found unconscious after responding to report of fight, authorities say; elderly couple suffer 'significant' injuries
April 28, 2021
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A police officer is in critical condition after responding to a call regarding a possible fight in Delmar, Delaware, early Sunday, authorities said.
Even the cast of 'The Handmaid's Tale' gets emotional by the series
April 28, 2021
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Fans of Hulu's "The Handmaid's Tale" often find themselves having emotional reactions when watching the series, from shock to sadness to anger. The cast admits to also feeling emotional when watching the show, even though they know what happens. (April 28)
'This is heartbreaking': Delaware police officer declared clinically dead after responding to fight call, authorities say
April 28, 2021
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Authorities confirmed Wednesday that Delmar police officer Cpl. Keith Heacook, 54, has died following a brutal assault Sunday morning.
President Biden says 'America is on the move again' after nearly 100 days in office
April 28, 2021
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President Joe Biden addressed a joint session of Congress for the first time after nearly 100 days into his presidency.
Biden to nation: America is ready for take-off
April 28, 2021
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President Joe Biden is marking his 100th day in office with a prime-time address to Congress and he's declaring that the United States is "turning peril into possibility." (April 28)
Today in History: April 29th
April 28, 2021
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On this day in history: Rioting hits Los Angeles after four white officers are acquitted of most charges in beating of Rodney King; Dachau concentration camp liberated; Jerry Seinfeld born. (April 29)
What are ghost guns? Biden reiterates calls against 'dangerous' and 'untraceable' firearms in his address
April 28, 2021
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President Joe Biden will target "ghost guns" with executive actions on Thursday. Here's what to know about the "dangerous" and "untraceable" firearms.
Fighters seek protection with spiritual traditions
April 28, 2021
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Militias fighting Islamic extremists in northern Burkina Faso are turning to traditional spiritual practices for protection. (April 29)
Biden: the insurrection was an 'existential' test
April 28, 2021
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President Joe Biden pointed optimistically Wednesday night to the nation's emergence from the pandemic and the Jan. 6 insurrection as a vital moment to prove that democracy still works and that it's never "a good bet to bet against America." (April 28)
Controversial nuclear plant near NYC shuts down
April 28, 2021
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Indian Point will permanently stop producing nuclear power Friday, unplugging a key source of electricity for nearby New York City that opponents warn is a threat to millions living in the surrounding, densely packed metropolitan region. (April 29)
Police in North Carolina are fueling outrage over Andrew Brown Jr.'s death by withholding information, experts say
April 28, 2021
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The officers' names, bodycam footage, a timeline of events and a justification for the shooting are among the details that have not been made public.
Artist spreads love, smiles through 'heartwork'
April 28, 2021
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Artist Deirdre Freeman has hung more than 120 works of art featuring hearts on telephone poles in her California city in hopes of spreading some much-needed love to as many people as possible. (April 29)
Know what's up before you finish your cup. Sign up to get the Daily Briefing.
April 28, 2021
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Sign up for USA TODAY's Daily Briefing
US passed 1M cases one year ago today; firefighting plane may be sold to help fight pandemic; Chicago considers 'Vax Pass': COVID-19 updates
April 28, 2021
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One year ago today, the US passed 1M coronavirus cases. Chicago has plans for vaccine passports and more COVID-19 updates you should know Wednesday.
Selasa, 27 April 2021
Haruskah selalu tambahkan paprika dalam semangkuk salad?
April 27, 2021
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Sebagian orang yang sadar tentang kesehatan sering menikmati salad buah dan sayur sebagai bagian dari diet mereka, dan salah satu bahan yang digunakan paprika.
Alasannya, sayuran yang tersedia dalam berbagai warna yakni merah, ...
Memanfaatkan Social Listening untuk Personalisasi
April 27, 2021
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Semakin hari, cara pendekatan bisnis kepada konsumen semakin unik dan beragam. Namun, di antara cara pendekatan yang sudah dicoba, pendekatan yang dipersonalisasi adalah salah satu yang paling efektif dan bisa membuat konsumen merasa lebih dekat dengan perasaan yang lebih natural. Personalisasi yang dalam bahkan dianggap sangat penting—lebih dari sebelumnya, terutama pada era konsumen-sentris seperti sekarang […]
The post Memanfaatkan Social Listening untuk Personalisasi appeared first on StarNgag...
Senin, 26 April 2021
Jelang Lebaran, Kota Kediri-Jatim minta warga bantu sosialisasi prokes
April 26, 2021
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Wali Kota Kediri Abdullah Abu Bakar meminta semua pihak untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaaan menjelang Idul Fitri 1442 Hijriah/2021 Masehi, untuk selalu membantu menyosialisasikan penerapan protokol kesehatan demi mencegah penyebaran ...
Napoli bawa tiga poin dari markas Torino untuk naik ke posisi ketiga
April 26, 2021
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Napoli membawa pulang tiga poin penuh dari markas Torino seusai mengalahkan tuan rumah 2-0 dalam laga pekan ke-33 Liga Italia di Stadion Olimpico Grande, Senin waktu setempat (Selasa WIB), untuk naik ke posisi ketiga klasemen ...
Manhattan Beach residents raise solidarity for Asian community through chalk art
April 26, 2021
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Driveways, sidewalks and windows in the neighborhood surrounding Manhattan Beach’s Polliwog Park were adorned with posters and chalk art voicing support and condemning acts of hate against Asian American and Pacific Islander community members Saturday, April...
Redondo High boys basketball on indefinite suspension after coronavirus outbreak
April 26, 2021
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The Redondo High boys basketball program has been placed on “indefinite suspension” by Los Angeles County health officials after a coronavirus outbreak amid the team, a stark reminder that despite improving metrics statewide, the pandemic remains a thre...
Minggu, 25 April 2021
Wissam Ben Yedder bawa Monaco naik ke posisi kedua
April 25, 2021
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Wissam Ben Yedder membawa AS Monaco naik ke posisi kedua klasemen Liga Prancis setelah golnya mengunci kemenangan 1-0 atas Angers dalam laga pekan ke-34 di Stadion Raymond Kopa, Minggu malam tadi.
Ben Yedder mencetak golnya ...
The Sunday Read: ‘The “Herald Square Bomber” Who Wasn’t’
April 25, 2021
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In summer 2003, Shahawar Matin Siraj, then 21, met Osama Eldawoody, a nuclear engineer twice his age. To Mr. Siraj’s delight they struck up an unlikely friendship — never before had someone this sophisticated taken him so seriously.At the older man’s encouragement, Mr. Siraj became entangled in a plot to place a bomb in Herald Square subway station. He would later want out of the plan, but it was too late: Mr. Eldawoody, it turned out, was one of thousands of informants recruited by the police and the F.B.I. after the Sept. 11 attacks.Today on...
Sabtu, 24 April 2021
Spotify akan luncurkan opsi langganan untuk podcast
April 24, 2021
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Apple mungkin bukan satu-satunya raksasa teknologi dengan langganan podcast berbayar dalam waktu dekat. Sumber Wall Street Journal melaporkan Spotify akan mengungkap sistem podcast berbayarnya sendiri pada minggu ...
Leverkusen sengitkan persaingan empat besar dengan gebuk Frankfurt 3-1
April 24, 2021
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Bayer Leverkusen menggebuk Eintracht Frankfurt 3-1 dalam laga Liga Jerman pekan ke-31 di Stadion BayArena, Sabtu waktu setempat, untuk mempersengit persaingan menuju finis empat besar klasemen liga ini.
Leverkusen yang ...
Vincenzo kolaborasi dengan warga Geumga Plaza untuk balas dendam
April 24, 2021
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Setelah libur tayang, drama Korea "Vincenzo" akan semakin memanas, mafia asal Italia ini mendapat dukungan dari para warga Geumga Plaza untuk membalas dendam.
Drama tvN ini dibintangi oleh Song Joong Ki sebagai ...
Jumat, 23 April 2021
Spesies kuda liar langka miliki rumah baru di Kebun Binatang Praha
April 23, 2021
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ANTARA - Empat kuda liar Asia Tengah yang langka dan jenisnya pernah hampir punah, sekarang berkeliaran di padang rumput yang menghadap ke Praha saat kebun binatang kota memperluas program pengembangbiakan.(REUTERS/Siti ...
BMKG prakirakan sepanjang Sabtu cuaca Jakarta cerah berawan
April 23, 2021
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Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) memprakirakan cuaca di DKI Jakarta akan cerah berawan sepanjang hari Sabtu.
BMKG melalui laman resmi bmkg.go.id di Jakarta, Sabtu, memprakirakan cuaca pada pagi hingga siang ...
The Super League That Wasn’t
April 23, 2021
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This episode contains strong language. On Sunday, 12 elite soccer teams in Europe announced the formation of a super league. The plan was backed by vast amounts of money, but it flew in the face of an idea central to soccer’s identity: You have to earn your place.Fans reacted with blind fury and protest. Players and managers spoke out. Figures like Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain and Prince William expressed disapproval. Within 48 hours, the idea was dead.Amid the rubble, a question was left: What does the future hold for the world’s...
8 Cara Memanfaatkan Social Listening untuk Bisnis
April 23, 2021
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Apakah Anda memantau apa yang orang-orang katakan tentang bisnis Anda secara online? Lalu, apakah Anda memanfaatkan data tersebut untuk meningkatkan bisnis? Wawasan yang Anda kumpulkan mengenai konsumen, calon pelanggan, produk, bahkan kompetitor dengan social listening bisa menjadi sesuatu yang sangat bernilai. Dalam artikel kali ini, kami akan memberikan 8 cara memanfaatkan social listening untuk meningkatkan […]
The post 8 Cara Memanfaatkan Social Listening untuk Bisnis appeared first on StarNgag...
Kamis, 22 April 2021
Hermosa Beach City Council candidates discuss qualifications, small town feel, outdoor dining
April 22, 2021
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With ballots already arriving in the mail and sample ballots being sent out this week, voters will decide among five candidates for a Hermosa Beach City Council seat in an all mail-in election on May ...
Mira Costa baseball defeats Torrance with strong pitching, timely hitting
April 22, 2021
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Patience at the plate and determination on the mound proved to be the perfect recipe for the Mira Costa baseball team on April ...
Local leaders: Chauvin verdict brings hope, but work continues
April 22, 2021
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Accountability. A path to healing.For one man and his family: Justice.For the country: But one step in a larger journey toward racial justice, too long deferred.Those were the reactions from Los Angeles County’s elected officials on Tuesday, April 20, ...
Saham Prancis kembali menguat, indeks CAC 40 terangkat 0,91 persen
April 22, 2021
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Saham-saham Prancis kembali berakhir lebih tinggi pada perdagangan Kamis (22/4/2021), memperpanjang kenaikan untuk hari kedua berturut-turut, dengan indeks acuan CAC 40 di Bursa Efek Paris terangkat 0,91 persen atau 56,73 poin ...
Mira Costa boys soccer defeats rival Redondo thanks to two second-half goals
April 22, 2021
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The Mira Costa boys soccer team was trailing halfway through the first half of Tuesday’s meeting with Bay League rival Redon...
South Bay restaurants reopening on-site dining indoors and out
April 22, 2021
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Restaurants throughout the South Bay accommodate diners while also meeting LA County Health Department mandates for controlling the spread of the coronavirus. Along with cooking and serving take-out, restaurants can serve customers outdoors and and also indoors at 25% capaci...
LETTERS: Returning land, downtown Hermosa and candidate support : Week of April 22
April 22, 2021
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Hermosa Beach downtown atmosph...
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